Victoria University of Wellington Scholarships 2024
Country: Newzealand
Program: PhD
Duration: 3 years.

Victoria University of Wellington is a public research university located in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. Established in 1897, it is one of the country’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education. The university is named after Queen Victoria and is commonly referred to as Victoria University.
The university has multiple campuses, with the Kelburn campus being the main one. Other campuses include Pipitea, Te Aro, and Karori. Victoria University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts, sciences, business, law, engineering, architecture, and more.
The university is known for its research contributions in various fields. It actively engages in research and has a strong reputation for producing high-quality research outputs. Victoria University has a diverse student body, and it attracts students from around the world. It has developed collaborations with other universities and institutions globally.
About Scholarship Program 2024 :
To encourage postgraduate research Victoria University of Wellington offers scholarships to those about to begin their doctoral studies. These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline.
These scholarships are open to graduates of any university within or outside of New Zealand who intend to enroll full time for a Doctorate (PhD) or who have commenced their doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington.
Regulations for Scholarship 2024:
To encourage postgraduate research Victoria University of Wellington offers scholarships to those about to begin their doctoral studies. These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline.
The scholarships are offered to the top ranked candidates in any Doctoral admission and scholarship application round throughout the year. To be considered for a Wellington Doctoral Scholarship the applicant must have a strong academic record and excellent academic references, or:
- demonstrated potential for high quality research; or
- a record of publication in high-quality journals commensurate with experience and education.
Eligibility Criteria:
- applicant applying for PhD Scholarship must have completed Masters degree in relevant field.
- Applicant must have some research work to present and do further research on it. ( See Sample)
- Applicant from Newzealand or outside Newzealand are eligible to apply.
- Must have have some publication in an international Journal.
- Willing to physically attend the PhD program in Victoria University of Wellington for three years.
- Have to provide Recommendation letter from the professor o university you last attended.
Selection Procedure:
Final selection is made by the Victoria Research Scholarships Committee on those applicants who have been put forward by the relevant School and Faculty.
Offers of Wellington Doctoral Scholarships will be made approximately six weeks after each closing date in March, July and November of the year of application. As some applicants may decline an offer further offers may be made, it is possible that some applicants will not be finally notified of the success or otherwise of their applications three months after application.
- Its a fully funded program and you will be exempted from any type of fee.
- You will get an yearly stipend of $29500 per year for a duration of three years.
- Health insurance will be covered in this scholarship.
- Accommodation will be provided to you.
Terms and Conditions:
- Applications are accepted from those who are eligible at the time of application, or who reasonably expect to become eligible within three months of their application, to register as a candidate for a Doctoral degree at Victoria University of Wellington.
- Applicants would normally be expected to have completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with academic distinction equivalent to a First Class Honours degree at a New Zealand University.
- The scholarship offer shall lapse in the event that the scholarship recipient does not gain full enrolment as a Doctoral student within 15 months of first enrolment.
- Academic staff at Victoria University of Wellington or any other University may not hold a Welington Doctoral Scholarship while currently employed.
- Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit by the University Research Scholarships Committee (the Committee), a sub committee of the University Research Committee.
- Every scholarship shall be tenable at Victoria University of Wellington for a period of up to three years except as otherwise provided in this statute. If a recipient submits within the tenure of the Scholarship, stipend payments will cease no more than one month after submission.
- If an applicant has already been enrolled for a PhD at Victoria University of Wellington for more than six months at the time when the offer of a scholarship is made, the maximum length of tenure of the scholarship will be reduced at the discretion of the Committee.
- Scholarship recipients are required to sign a Wellington Doctoral Research Scholarship Contract. The administrative supervisor and the primary or Victoria University of Wellington supervisor will also sign the contract to indicate that they are aware of the terms and conditions of the scholarship and the contribution to the School required by this award.
- The tenure of every scholarship shall commence on a date to be determined in each case by the Faculty of Graduate Research after discussion with appropriate School and supervisor. The date of commencement shall normally be no later than six months after the scholarship has been accepted by the scholarship recipient for domestic students and nine months for international students.
The last date to apply for the Victoria University of Wellington Scholarship 2024 is 1st March 2024
I pray it works out for