Research Scholarship Vienna, Austria 2024
University: Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics
Program: PhD
Duration: For 3 Years

The Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics is a renowned institution that offers advanced education and research opportunities in the field of population genetics. Located in Vienna, Austria, it provides a platform for students to delve into theoretical and empirical aspects of population genetics, as well as related disciplines such as evolutionary biology and genomics.
This graduate school typically offers programs at the master’s and doctoral levels, attracting students from around the world who are interested in exploring genetic variation within and between populations, evolutionary processes, and the genetic basis of adaptation, speciation, and disease. Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics plays a significant role in advancing our understanding of genetic diversity and evolutionary processes in natural populations.
Faculty members at the Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics are often leading experts in their respective fields, offering students the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research projects and collaborations. The school’s curriculum may include courses on population genetics theory, statistical genetics, computational biology, evolutionary genomics, and bioinformatics, among others.
About Research Scholarship Vienna 2024:
Every year Vienna School of Population Genetics offered Scholarships named as ” Research Scholarship Vienna” for postgraduate research work. The Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics welcomes students to apply for the PhD program. Eligible are candidates with backgrounds in either theoretical, computational or experimental fields such as bioinformatics, biomathematics, statistics, evolutionary genetics, functional genetics, theoretical and experimental population genetics.
***Applicants with a genuine interest in interdisciplinary research in evolution will be preferred.
Fields of study for Research:
Under Research Scholarship Vienna 2024 you can do your PhD research in the below fields:
- Adaptation from reduced genetic variation
- Adaptation to complex environments
- Inference of selection signatures from time-series data
- Long-term dynamics of local Drosophila populations
- Making sense of whole-genome polymorphism data
- The role of deleterious mutations for adaptation and maintenance of variation
- Unraveling the impact of gene flow during species divergence
Documents Requirement:
- Application form with indication of two preferred topics.
- CV (See Sample)
- A motivation letter with a statement of research interests. (See Sample)
- University certificates including grades. Please enclose a copy of your university degree that enables you to pursue a PhD study (diploma, master; credit hours need to be equivalent to 300 ECTS); if you will earn your degree after the deadline: please supply recent transcripts
- At least two reference letters assessing your scientific qualifications need to be e-mailed directly to us (please contact your referees proactively and use the referee request below as a guideline). Please consider that your referees may need some time to prepare and send their letters within the deadline.
Selection Process:
The selected candidates will be invited for an interview with the faculty members.
The interview will consist of three phases:
- Presentation of one publication selected by the applicant from five publications suggested by the faculty
- Questions of the faculty to the applicant about the paper and the applicant’s background and motivation
- Questions of the applicant to the faculty
Financial Benefits:
Accepted PhD students will receive a monthly salary up to 4000 Euros for three years duration.
The last date to apply for Research Scholarship Vienna is 1st April 2024.
Contact Person for Initial Application:
Applications and inquiries should be sent to the program coordinator by email.
Dr. Julia Hosp
Institute of Population Genetics
Vetmeduni Vienna
Veterinärplatz 1
A-1210 Wien, Austria
+43 (1) 25077 – 4302